As a feminist organisation it is essential for us to speak up on Manusmriti Dahan Din that is – Women’s Liberation Day!
Marking the day when the shackles of Brahmanical Patriarchy were powerfully torn by Dr. Ambedkar by burning the text of the regressive, anti-feminist, sexist, misogynistic and casteist Manusmriti. Symbolically speaking, by burning the text of Manusmriti, we reject the cruelty, anti-humanity and violence in its hateful pages. We are together with the oldest line of youth leaders from #NTDNT #adivasi #Dalit, watching #Thangalaan and regrouping to deliberate what we need to do to ensure that regressive thought stays burnt and buried.
It is crucial that we not only humbly thank #drambedkar for the utterly brave stand that he took, inspiring hundreds of thousands to join him and reject Manuwadi thought fearlessly. With that, we keep our minds, intellects and courage open, articulate and active, to continue to stand and take the necessary efforts for a violence free, fearless society for all.