Career related questions are one of the biggest things on youth's minds, affecting their mental health. This is something we have observed over our years of community based counseling. While it sounds technical and easy enough ("do what interests you" being the usual refrain which is very true but not enough), it literally keeps youth … Continue reading Career Counselling with Mental Health
Mental Health of Adolescents & School Going children
Adolescents, school children were the first to be 'locked down' as schools closed as soon as the pandemic's risk became known in India. These children have been inside their homes, many a times without any space of their own, since they are old enough to be given responsibilities, but still children needing parental permissions. While … Continue reading Mental Health of Adolescents & School Going children
Disaster Management trainings started with NT-DNT groups
Nomadic Tribes and Denotified Nomadic Tribes (NT/DNT) communities have been historically deprived, discriminated against and under-represented. Although attempts have been made for their upliftment, significant change is yet to be seen. The community needs to bring about their revolution, not just socio-politically or economically, but also intellectually. With this intention in mind, Anubhuti held the … Continue reading Disaster Management trainings started with NT-DNT groups
Hum Sanvidhanvadi online talk series
Due to the pandemic this year, the constitution literacy exam was substituted by an online talk series entirely led by a youth team. The speakers composed of expert and youth panels who would discuss various relevant social, political and intellectual topics. This was an entirely youth led process, right from conceptualizing, deciding themes, finalizing resource … Continue reading Hum Sanvidhanvadi online talk series
Selected as a Samvaad 2020 Fellow!
We are happy to announce that founder Deepa Pawar has been selected as a Samvaad 2020 Fellow after weeks of rigorous selection procedure! Her project is to create and publish the first ever book documenting the iron tools & weapons making occupation of her Gadiya Lohar nomadic tribe. While weapons-making is a multi-million dollar global … Continue reading Selected as a Samvaad 2020 Fellow!
Online talks connecting issues faced by the NT-DNTs to #MentalJustice
The nomadic & denotified tribes (NT-DNTs) form a major pillar of our society - their contributions to labor force, arts, culture, technology are immense but unrecognized. It is our responsibility to stand with them. Anubhuti was the first organization to recognize the severe impact of COVID on these communities and worked with them throughout the … Continue reading Online talks connecting issues faced by the NT-DNTs to #MentalJustice
In conversation with founder Deepa Pawar about building ground leadership of NT-DNTs
The Nomadic and De-notified Tribes (NT-DNT) form a major pillar of our society - their contributions to labor force, arts, culture, technology are immense but unrecognized. It is our responsibility to stand with them during these difficult times. Today, tune in at 8pm IST to the Instagram handle @karmaatalks to hear our founder Deepa Pawar, … Continue reading In conversation with founder Deepa Pawar about building ground leadership of NT-DNTs
Be responsible towards vulnerable communities during disasters Be it the current COVID pandemic, or any other disaster, it becomes a double emergency for vulnerable communities. The nomadic and denotofied tribes are one of the most neglected populations in India, despite forming 15% of Indians. They face constant social discrimination, criminalization and stigma that even converts to violence fueled by rumour mongering. … Continue reading Be responsible towards vulnerable communities during disasters
Mental Justice session with women in Kolegaon, Dombivali
"We women are used to so much harassment, from subtle disrespect to major fights, that we would rather settle in a less harassing environment even if it is not conducive to our development" said trainer Deepa Pawar, as the women agreed. On Saturday November 7, Anubhuti held an interactive and informative session on Women's Health. … Continue reading Mental Justice session with women in Kolegaon, Dombivali
World Mental Health Day celebrated
On the occasion of Mental Health Day which is observed on 10th October every year, an activity was carried out at Kolegaon centre. Starting a day before, the Kolegaon youth met at the centre on 9th October to discuss and articulate their thoughts on mental health. Through hand-made posters and charts, the youth highlighted the … Continue reading World Mental Health Day celebrated