News & Updates

Deepa Pawar a Panelist in Conference by UNHCR & UN Women

Recently on 2nd December, Founder Deepa Pawar put forth her points as a Panelist at the Conference on Violence Against Women organized by UNHCR and UN Women in New Delhi, India. She presented on inter-generational feminism, strategies, ideas going forward. Deepa especially asserted her perspective with Dalit Feminism intersectional lens, herself being a Nomadic Tribe woman.

Hum Sanvidhanwadi campaign with Auto Drivers on Indian Constitution Day and Human Rights Day

Starting on 26 November on occasion of Indian Constitution Day, through 10 December on occasion of Human Rights Day - we carried out our Hum Sanvidhanvadi (हम संविधानवादि) campaign with autorickshaw drivers at 6 spots across Ambernath, Badlapur, Kalyan and Dombivali. This year we introduced another creative aspect - plates with the words: "I am … Continue reading Hum Sanvidhanwadi campaign with Auto Drivers on Indian Constitution Day and Human Rights Day

Historical Ideological Journey with Women

We are continuing with our practical, experiential tours to understand and spark interest about our country's Democratic, progressive history and our great progressive, egalitarian, just leaders. These tours involve on site information sharing by history experts as well as physical exploration by the participants. On November 20, we went on a full day trip to … Continue reading Historical Ideological Journey with Women

Theater Workshop with Adolescents

Continuing with our workshops to build on the inherent body confidence, voice confidence, expressiveness and engagement with social issues - as seen in Bahujan youth and women, we had a full-day Theater Workshop with adolescents on November 5. There were more than 70 rural, Adivasi, NT-DNT, Bahujan children from Chon, Rahtoli, Circus Ground, and Kolegaon. … Continue reading Theater Workshop with Adolescents

Expression through Songs with Women

Women especially of Dalit, Bahujan, NTDNT, Adivasi, rural communities are adept at expressions through songs, poems, ditties... they have also been the creators and propagators of social change through songs at a very grassroot level. Anubhuti has been working with the women in the villages where our centres are located - Kolegaon, Rahtoli, Chon - … Continue reading Expression through Songs with Women

Residential Photography Training Camp with Young Women

On 28-29 October, we were very excited to organize a residential camp on Photography, Videography and how to handle cameras with NT-DNT, Adivasi, and Dalit Bahujan young women from the different communities where we work. While devices like cameras and mobile phones are not easily accessed by them, given the opportunity, a whole world of … Continue reading Residential Photography Training Camp with Young Women

Baliraja Utsav Celebrations & Mann Boli Youth Expressions

We recently celebrated Baliraja Utsav - with intellectual, ideological festivities. NT-DNT, Adivasi, Bahujan youth from 5 locations in Thane District came together and actively participated and took a lead in this full-day celebration. As we know, Baliraja is revered as a great ancient king known for his egalitarianism, justice and the prosperity of farmers, labourers, … Continue reading Baliraja Utsav Celebrations & Mann Boli Youth Expressions

Mental Health workshop with Vaghya Murali NT community members in Nashik

Anubhuti has been building connections with NT-DNT ground leaders across Maharashtra since we started working with these communities in 2020. Since then, there have been requests to take our sessions to the towns and villages where many of their people live and work. Thus, last year we had travelled to Indapur and Jejuri in Pune … Continue reading Mental Health workshop with Vaghya Murali NT community members in Nashik

Nature Walks with rural, Bahujan, Adivasi, NT-DNT women

Continuing with activities in the mental health awareness month of October, we organized two events with women of Bahujan, Adivasi, NT-DNT communities living in rural and peri-urban areas. One of these was going on a refreshing "Nature Trail" in Kolegaon - women of DBA communities are historically leaders of environmental justice and environmental protection. They … Continue reading Nature Walks with rural, Bahujan, Adivasi, NT-DNT women

Residential Camp on “Street Play” with trans youth

12th October is a poisonous day in the history of NT-DNT and trans and hijrah communities, because it was on this day that they were criminalized by the colonial Criminal Tribes Act in 1871. We condemn this Act and it's consequences that can still be seen in form of continued stigmatization, labelling, attacking and false … Continue reading Residential Camp on “Street Play” with trans youth