The reality of the denial of Right to Sanitation in Nomadic and De-notified tent communities , and its impact on their mental health, dignity, safety, child rights, women's rights, disability rights and so on has been brought forth powerfully in this first of its kind community led research of accessibility of toilets by persons … Continue reading ToI covered Community-Led Advocacy for Toilets
News & Updates
Vimukta Din Cultural and Literary Festival
"These are not just clothes or fashion, but a strong political statement. When young people, children, adolescents, openly wear the clothes of nomadic tribes, proudly show off their occupations that are culturally rich, speak in their languages in front of an audience of hundreds who view them with respect and as worthy to learn from, … Continue reading Vimukta Din Cultural and Literary Festival
Online Course on Mental Health for Teachers
India has more than 50% population below the age of 25. India also has one of the highest youth suicide rates globally, and suicide is the leading cause of mortality in this population. This calls for action at multiple levels; and most importantly in education institutions where they spend a significant amount of time, explore … Continue reading Online Course on Mental Health for Teachers
Body Literacy & SRHR with NT-DNT Women During Mental Health month in October
Mental Health especially in the context of NT-DNT, Adivasi and other marginalized communities is closely connected to their myriad of social, economic, political, historical struggles which are constant and never-ending. Anubhuti has been working with mental health and sexual reproductive health through the Sharir Sanvaad Abhiyan in these communities since we started working in 2016, … Continue reading Body Literacy & SRHR with NT-DNT Women During Mental Health month in October
Mann Mela Film Launched!
On occasion of World Mental Health Day , we are really excited and proud to share this film on Mann Mela - our unique games-based mental health and mental justice fair! Developed by Deepa Pawar who belongs to a nomadic tribe, the module is inclusive and congnisant of the way that mental health is … Continue reading Mann Mela Film Launched!
Weekly Sessions with Adolescent Group at Community Centres
As part of weekly sessions at all the community centres, one initiative was where community elders were invited to the centre to share the history of their communities with adolescents and youth.. How did they settle here? Where did they migrate from to this spot? How and who put up the first houses? What are … Continue reading Weekly Sessions with Adolescent Group at Community Centres
Career Leadership with Mental Justice trainings in Colleges
Our Career Leadership module based trainings are ongoing with students in higher education. Coming from rural and urban marginalized backgrounds, they have reached till college having dealt with many hurdles and continue to do so. In this context, understanding of self, motivation, pride and confidence in their background and life experiences is more important than … Continue reading Career Leadership with Mental Justice trainings in Colleges
Youth standing with Constitutional Values through Human Chain on 15th August Indian Independance Day
In the backdrop of violence and fundamentalism across the country, on Independance Day, youth from different parts of Thane District - NTDNT tent communities, Adivasi padas, rural villages, Dalit communities stood up in a Human Chain to strongly show their stance for the safety, rights, dignity of women, LGBTIQ persons, children, and all minorities. They … Continue reading Youth standing with Constitutional Values through Human Chain on 15th August Indian Independance Day
7th year of Anti-Discrimination Policy!
We are in the 7th year of our Anti Discrimination policy! This policy was constituted in 2017 - born out of the need to make NGO space also accountable to being violence-free and discrimination-free. Conceptualized by founder Deepa Pawar based on lived experiences, when we formed it there was hardly any existing template. Happy to … Continue reading 7th year of Anti-Discrimination Policy!
Career Leadership Fair
A unique concept of using relatable games, pictures, examples, stories, phrases to discuss about the otherwise technical and slightly intimidating topic of career with children and youth, has been launched through our "Career Leadership Fair". Created by our founder Deepa Pawar, the more important underlying strength of this Career Leadership Fair is that all the … Continue reading Career Leadership Fair