A unique concept of using relatable games, pictures, examples, stories, phrases to discuss about the otherwise technical and slightly intimidating topic of career with children and youth, has been launched through our “Career Leadership Fair”.
Created by our founder Deepa Pawar, the more important underlying strength of this Career Leadership Fair is that all the stalls are facilitated by trained youth from similar backgrounds and their experiences are adding to the development of this program. The first batch of 15 youth leaders from Dalit, NT-DNT youth have been trained in this module. Ashram Shalas, schools and colleges in interior areas are being approached to carry out the program – to reach the most vulnerable adolescents and youth who are facing intersectional obstacles in accessing leadership in the field of career, but who actually have higher intellectual and skill capacities due to their lived experiences of struggle and ground realities.
This first event was with nomadic and Adivasi children living in an Ashram Shala in Ambernath. Each stall took the group step by step, beginning from understanding their sources of information and communication, identifying at which stages of planning and preparation they are, doing their SWOT analysis in a simple manner, mapping their journey that they need to undertake of building their careers, and building a Constitutional base to their overall journey. Youth leaders handling each stall, made it extremely interactive and real, because they shared their own experiences and examples which connected very closely with their younger peers.
Efforts are ongoing to take this program to more interior areas and institutions.