As our work increases in depth with more intersectional groups – that is, different NT-DNT youth, children, women living in tent communities – which brings in many layers and intersections of vulnerabilities – from disaster experiences, to housing and sanitation without the social and administrative security that other communities are able to access at least to some extent, we are constantly updating our programs, training modules and practices. This includes our Career Leadership module.
In the most recent workshop, our Community Leads who come from the same communities where we work, brought together first generation learners and their parents living in a tent community on a hillock (risky land) in Prakash Nagar Ambernath. Typical career guidance and motivation is not very useful for these youth; founder and trainer Deepa Pawar who has lived experiences of the struggle of NT-DNT youth since she is from the same community, touched upon various topics including Child Rights, Child safety, Women’s rights, pride in NT-DNT history and culture, and disaster recovery which resonated strongly with the children, youth and parents. A number of youth and women came later to discuss ideas for issues that Anubhuti can take up in their area. School and college stationery kits were also distributed as a small token of appreciation and encouragement for youth on their education journey.