Call for Vacancy: Project Coordinator

Introduction: Anubhuti Charitable Trust is a registered organization based in Mumbai and Thane Districts, working primarily with socially vulnerable youth and women for their overall social, economic, and political development. Anubhuti’s vision is for a just, equitable and democratic society. The organisation has reached above 30000 people through programs on youth leadership, community development, mental … Continue reading Call for Vacancy: Project Coordinator

Media coverage of our COVID response

Various platforms and blogs are acknowledging and recognizing our response to the COVID pandemic. See here few articles featuring our work: Deepa Pawar interviewed by Max Maharashtra for her work and as part of work by the groups Nomad Liberty Movement & NT-DNT Yuva Hakka Parishad for NT-DNT rights Founder Deepa Pawar’s article on … Continue reading Media coverage of our COVID response

Founder Deepa Pawar presents at CII Foundation’s Women Nation Summit

On 19th September 2019, spent a power-packed day at the CII Foundation 's Indian Women Network's #WomenNation Summit - #BreakingBoundaries where Deepa Pawar spoke about her personal and community's historical struggles for identity, dignity, expression, basic rights and equal opportunities even today in 2019.Being the sole NGO representative to speak at this prestigious conclave of women middle and top managers of corporate India, … Continue reading Founder Deepa Pawar presents at CII Foundation’s Women Nation Summit

What inspires a grassroot woman leader? – Interview of Deepa by RiseUp

Proud to share Founder Director Deepa Pawar's interview by Rise Up for Girls highlighting what motivates her to work for gender justice in higher education and economic empowerment of girls and young women in India: She is one of the 20 women leaders in the Rise Up Collective Impact Partnership - who are working … Continue reading What inspires a grassroot woman leader? – Interview of Deepa by RiseUp

हमारे साथ काम करें

क्या आप युवा-युवती के नेतृत्व से सामाजिक बदलाव की प्रक्रिया का हिस्सा बनना चाहते हो? क्या आप खुद को ऐसे नेतृत्व में देखते हो जिसे समता, लोकशाही और न्याय का जज़्बा हो? हम विले पार्ले (पू.) और डोम्बिवली (पू.) में हमारे कार्यक्षेत्र में एक फुल टाइम 'कम्युनिटी ऑर्गनाइज़र' को नियुक्त करना चाहते हैं | यह … Continue reading हमारे साथ काम करें

Founder Deepa Pawar is one of 26 Goalkeepers – representing India globally to achieve SDGs

Deepa Pawar has been selected as one of 26 young #Goalkeepers #YouthActionAccerlerators from around the world! She is representing India on this platform for attaining Sustainable Development Goals with two other young change-makers. Her selection was on the basis of her project for making #HigherEducationSafe in terms of #MentalHealth of students: Mental Health, especially of youth, and … Continue reading Founder Deepa Pawar is one of 26 Goalkeepers – representing India globally to achieve SDGs

Deepa Pawar wins State Award

Our Founder-Director Deepa Pawar has been presented with the Avantika State Award 2019 for her over 18 years of work with grassroot communities, youth, women as well as govt stakeholders in Sexual & Reproductive Rights, Mental Health, Socio-political leadership, Youth Leadership, Community Development, Right to food, Right to sanitation and Strengthening Democracy- all from the … Continue reading Deepa Pawar wins State Award

Adivasi families in Kolegaon Get Ration Cards

Over last few months, through our counselling centre at Kolegaon, youth and community leaders have been following up with the Ration office in Dombivali to procure Ration Cards for the village's Adivasi Pada. Unbelievably, our adivasi friends, who are literally some of the oldest residents of the village, do not yet have ration cards or … Continue reading Adivasi families in Kolegaon Get Ration Cards