When Anubhuti was founded in early 2016, we took some time to work on our organisation's values. As the founder Deepa Pawar has always reiterated, Values are fundamental to ensuring how a group functions. They are guiding principles to how we approach a problem, how we make decisions, how we engage with the people we … Continue reading Anti Discrimination Committee Constituted by Policy of Anubhuti Trust
Anubhuti Has 80G Certification!
Great news for our donors, we have finally got our 80G Certification! What is 80G and how is that related to our donors? Under the Income Tax Act, 1961 an 80G certificate makes donations to our organization eligible for tax deductions. That means not only will your donation be a contribution towards developing youth leadership, … Continue reading Anubhuti Has 80G Certification!
Deepa at University of California Berkeley – Grand Prize Winner of the Tell Her Story Award
I was never a part of the social change sector for only my individual development. The community that I belong to, called Gadiya Lohar, is a nomadic tribe of India. Women and girls here have a precarious existence. Food, education and health - are all scarce, in fact this tribe is still searching for … Continue reading Deepa at University of California Berkeley – Grand Prize Winner of the Tell Her Story Award
Let Us Ensure Education for All!
Education for all is perhaps a cause that everyone believes in and supports - it is a noble cause, non-controversial and is one of the best known child rights. Despite this, affordable and quality education remains out of reach of hundreds of thousands of students in India. According to the Annual Survey of Education Report … Continue reading Let Us Ensure Education for All!
Announcing the Anubhuti Internship Program 2018!
Like the name suggests, this Internship Program is a unique opportunity to engage in social change work that is rooted in experience, empathy and solidarity. Anubhuti has been formed in 2016 by a young woman activist, who then had 16 years' experience of grounded, grassroot as well as state and national-level work with youth, girls, … Continue reading Announcing the Anubhuti Internship Program 2018!
Winner in UC Berkeley’s Tell Her Story Competition!
The story of Deepa Pawar, our Founder and Director, and her work for sexual and reproductive empowerment of girls, women and youth along with other work spanning over 17 years has been recognised internationally by the University of California's contest Tell Her Story! Anubhuti submitted her story as a remarkable woman working in South Asia … Continue reading Winner in UC Berkeley’s Tell Her Story Competition!
A request: to support our Residential Camp on ‘Youth Leadership and Social Change’
Dear friends, Your support till now has made it possible for Anubhuti to reach where we have today. Reach-out to over 10000 youth, women and men; 4 programs running on ground in areas of youth leadership, sexual & reproductive health, mental health and community development; intensive work in two communities; advocacy with two municipal corporations; our youth having … Continue reading A request: to support our Residential Camp on ‘Youth Leadership and Social Change’
Finalist in CII Foundation’s Women Exemplar Award
Founder and President of Anubhuti Trust, Deepa Pawar, was selected as a finalist in the CII Foundation's Woman Exemplar Program 2018, along with 14 other grassroot leaders in the fields of Education, Health and Micro Enterprise, out of 227 nominations from across the country. Deepa was invited by the CII Foundation, of the Confederation of … Continue reading Finalist in CII Foundation’s Women Exemplar Award
Daan Utsav celebration by Anubhuti
Daan Utsav is a week of giving celebrated across the world as the Joy of Giving Week every year in early October. It is a great opportunity for all of us to use our power of giving to bring about the change that we want to see. How you can help Anubhuti works with youth from … Continue reading Daan Utsav celebration by Anubhuti
Anubhuti Awarded Certificate of Merit at World CSR Congress
Last week Anubhuti was presented with a Certificate of Merit on the occasion of World CSR Day on the 17th of February, 2017. The event was organised by the World CSR Congress, Asian Confederation of Businesses and Thought Leaders. Amrita De recieved the award on behalf of the team.