At the Counter Narratives Conference

We had a powerful experience few days before at the Counter Narratives Conference by Mariwala Health Initiative in collaboration with KC College and HSNC University, Mumbai. It was an honor to have a role in setting the context for the two-day Conference, as our Founder Deepa Pawar was the Opening Plenary Speaker . With panels … Continue reading At the Counter Narratives Conference

Savitri Utsav – Remembering our Great Women Icons

Celebrated #SavitriUtsav with almost 200 women from more than 10 villages and tent communities a few days back on occasion of Savitribai Phule Jayanti. These women don't need to remember Savitri, Fatima, Mukta, Nangeli, Jijasaheb, Ramai, Akka Mahadevi... and our countless feminist, human rights, anti violence icons.. because these leaders are their foremothers, their very … Continue reading Savitri Utsav – Remembering our Great Women Icons

Salutations to Savitribai Phule

Today on #SavitribaiJayanti, we pay our salutations to Savitrimai, who is our intellectual and ideological foremother, our leader, whom we turn to for our visioning, strategic planning, facing and overcoming challenges and whenever we are in need of guidance.  She is also one of the brightest lights of inspiration in our upcoming publication #MannBoli, which … Continue reading Salutations to Savitribai Phule

Mental Health Conference

Yesterday, we had a day-long interaction with nearly 100 students of Psychology and Social Work from almost 15 colleges in Mumbai and Thane District, in collaboration with KC College, Mumbai. As aspiring mental health professionals, they spent the day delving deep into how the education sector as well as the MH field, like the rest … Continue reading Mental Health Conference

Month-long Campaign for Indian Constitution Day

In the 75th year of the Indian Constitution, it is more important than ever to continue to engage with Constitutional values, practices, stands, actions, participation and leadership. At the grassroots, Democratic and Constitutional engagement has always been high and yet, other influences keep pushing in by manipulating economic and social vulnerabilities. Several organizations and groups … Continue reading Month-long Campaign for Indian Constitution Day

Balipratipada Din – Reclaiming our Adivasi Indigenous Histories

On the occasion of Balipratipada Divas in November, we held our second District level Conference of the year, the first being during Vimukta Din in August. Once again, with almost 250 youth, women and community leaders as well as Stakeholders, from 15 villages and tent communities, from across Bhiwandi to Badlapur, this time we came … Continue reading Balipratipada Din – Reclaiming our Adivasi Indigenous Histories

Jann Mann Samvad on occasion of Mental Health Month – Breaking Barriers Through Conversation

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, throughout October month, we organized a series of interactive mental health modules, engaging NT-DNT women from various pal vastis (tent communities) in discussions and activities that highlighted the importance of mental health. These modules explored the deep connections between mental health and various social factors, including civic … Continue reading Jann Mann Samvad on occasion of Mental Health Month – Breaking Barriers Through Conversation

Jann Mann Sanvad Campaign Recap

Key issues we are addressing in our Jann Mann Samvad campaign include: Civic Rights & Mental Health: Denial of rights, lack of access to justice, and exclusion from decision-making processes leave communities feeling powerless, leading to increased anxiety, depression, and distress. Disaster & Mental Health: NT-DNT communities are particularly vulnerable to natural and man-made disasters, … Continue reading Jann Mann Sanvad Campaign Recap