Badlache Parv Kala Manch training

Anubhuti has formed and is mentoring a youth cultural group named Badlache Parv Kala Manch since 2018. This group has members from diverse backgrounds - nomadic & denotified, Adivasi, Bahujan, young women, young men, and across different locations. They are all in their adolescence or early youth. Since the beginning they have been participants and … Continue reading Badlache Parv Kala Manch training

Continued Vaccination Camps with NT-DNT communities

I am disabled. I visited many vaccination centres before but they would be on the first on second floor and I could not climb up. When I heard Anubhuti has set up camp in this area, I knew it would be accessible and I was right. Here I am. A person with disability, Vaidu (healer) … Continue reading Continued Vaccination Camps with NT-DNT communities

Vaccination Drive with 1500 NT-DNT persons

A hugely successful Vaccination Drive for 1500 NT-DNT (Nomadic & Denotified Tribe) persons was organized in a community in Vitthalwadi, Kalyan, in Thane District, Maharashtra. Community leaders stated that this was the first such drive all over Maharashtra. We have huge appreciation for the community volunteers who managed this mammoth 3 day event, taking care … Continue reading Vaccination Drive with 1500 NT-DNT persons

Leadership Training with Youth

"Our Founder is the most socio-politically marginalized in our group" - this simple statement by a team member today, at a Leadership workshop with youth, tells an entire story of personal struggle as well as organizational risk-bearing capacity of its leadership. We find this statement to be an organizational privilege - grassroot leadership gives direction, … Continue reading Leadership Training with Youth

Progressive traditions to celebrate 15th August Independance Day

It is very important to introduce new traditions, that are more democratic, moving further towards Constitutional values, on days of national importance like 15th August, that is Indian Independence Day. This is exactly what youth leaders in Rahtoli, Badlapur and Kolegaon, Dombivali did successfully, by bringing various stakeholders and community members together for social causes, … Continue reading Progressive traditions to celebrate 15th August Independance Day

Youth celebrate NT-DNT Vimukta Diwas

August month is celebrated as month of NT-DNT Vimukta Din, to mark 31 August when these communities gained their independance from the offensive, vengeful and wicked criminalization forced upon them, first by colonial British rulers and continued by independant Indian administration. 1st August 2021 was a historic beginning for us, when NT and other marginalized … Continue reading Youth celebrate NT-DNT Vimukta Diwas

Streetplays on COVID-19 social awareness The Covid19 pandemic and lockdown brought a wave of difficulties, challenges and injustices. While everyone suffered, it was a "life-and-death period" as stated by founder Deepa Pawar, for NT-DNT communities and other already deprived groups. Among them, women, trans persons, the disabled, etc. were even more vulnerable. They faced privations and exploitation not just … Continue reading Streetplays on COVID-19 social awareness

“Sanvidhan Samvaad” (#ConstitutionConversations Campaign)

On 26th January, India's 72nd Republic Day was celebrated uniquely by Anubhuti and youth leaders! Our ‘Hum Samvidhanvadi’ campaign was started in 2016, where people from varius walks of like declared to stand by and with their Indian Constitution. This year a unique strategy was used to take this campaign to every home. ‘Samvidhan Samvaad’ … Continue reading “Sanvidhan Samvaad” (#ConstitutionConversations Campaign)