Celebrating Social Justice Day and Women’s Day with Police Stakeholders

On the occasion of World Day Of Social Justice which is observed on February 20 every year, and in the month of March, celebrated as Women's History Month on occasion of 8 March being International Women's Day, Anubhuti decided to celebrate with one of the most important stakeholders in upholding Justice and Women's Rights, that … Continue reading Celebrating Social Justice Day and Women’s Day with Police Stakeholders

Valentine’s Day Celebration with youth

Valentine’s day is celebrated on 14th February every year as a day to express love among friends, family members, romantic lovers. Often we celebrate with those whom we love and cherish the existent bonds. But hardly do we celebrate it with people with whom we have certain disagreements, or hold grudges against. Unexpressed feelings of … Continue reading Valentine’s Day Celebration with youth

Self Defense – Mental, Social, Collective

Discrimination and violation of rights may happen in very different ways, especially in the Indian society where diversity and social hierarchies prevail. Often the discrimination happens against a group, sect or community - like women, dalits, adivasis, NT-DNTs etc. While individual self defence techniques may come in use to fight individual attacks, these in a … Continue reading Self Defense – Mental, Social, Collective

Disaster Management trainings started with NT-DNT groups

Nomadic Tribes and Denotified Nomadic Tribes (NT/DNT) communities have been historically deprived, discriminated against and under-represented. Although attempts have been made for their upliftment, significant change is yet to be seen. The community needs to bring about their revolution, not just socio-politically or economically, but also intellectually. With this intention in mind, Anubhuti held the … Continue reading Disaster Management trainings started with NT-DNT groups

Hum Sanvidhanvadi online talk series

Due to the pandemic this year, the constitution literacy exam was substituted by an online talk series entirely led by a youth team. The speakers composed of expert and youth panels who would discuss various relevant social, political and intellectual topics. This was an entirely youth led process, right from conceptualizing, deciding themes, finalizing resource … Continue reading Hum Sanvidhanvadi online talk series

World Mental Health Day celebrated

On the occasion of Mental Health Day which is observed on 10th October every year, an activity was carried out at Kolegaon centre. Starting a day before, the Kolegaon youth met at the centre on 9th October to discuss and articulate their thoughts on mental health. Through hand-made posters and charts, the youth highlighted the … Continue reading World Mental Health Day celebrated

Scholarship program for NT-DNT, SC and ST youth launched

On the occasion of NT-DNT freedom fighter Umaji Naik’s Birth Anniversary, Anubhuti launched a scholarship program for NT-DNT, SC, ST youth - with focus on girls. Taking this opportunity, the newly mobilized youth at our Kolegaon center were oriented about our commitment to the values and structure of the Indian Constitution with song presentation by … Continue reading Scholarship program for NT-DNT, SC and ST youth launched

Youth-led Public Campaign on International Women’s Day

Youth from Bamanwada, Bandra, Jogeshwari, Dombivali, Badlapur came together on 8th March for a public campaign to enroll people's support to the safety of women and girls. 8th March is celebrated worldwide, acknowledging equal rights of women; a day that historically signifies rights of working women. In the context of heinous crimes against women - … Continue reading Youth-led Public Campaign on International Women’s Day