Youth standing with Constitutional Values through Human Chain on 15th August Indian Independance Day

In the backdrop of violence and fundamentalism across the country, on Independance Day, youth from different parts of Thane District - NTDNT tent communities, Adivasi padas, rural villages, Dalit communities stood up in a Human Chain to strongly show their stance for the safety, rights, dignity of women, LGBTIQ persons, children, and all minorities. They … Continue reading Youth standing with Constitutional Values through Human Chain on 15th August Indian Independance Day

Career Leadership Fair

A unique concept of using relatable games, pictures, examples, stories, phrases to discuss about the otherwise technical and slightly intimidating topic of career with children and youth, has been launched through our "Career Leadership Fair". Created by our founder Deepa Pawar, the more important underlying strength of this Career Leadership Fair is that all the … Continue reading Career Leadership Fair

Career Leadership Trainings continued with NT-DNT, Adivasi, Dalit children and youth

As our work increases in depth with more intersectional groups - that is, different NT-DNT youth, children, women living in tent communities - which brings in many layers and intersections of vulnerabilities - from disaster experiences, to housing and sanitation without the social and administrative security that other communities are able to access at least … Continue reading Career Leadership Trainings continued with NT-DNT, Adivasi, Dalit children and youth

Anubhuti’s Guts Fellowship has been launched!

With 100% NT-DNT Dalit Bahujan youth selected as fellows, this was only possible because we had a "No Criteria" selection process. NT leaders living in tent communities, Devdasi Murali women leaders, rural community members and youth peers who are associated with us through various in-community programs helped us reach these youth with very rich lived … Continue reading Anubhuti’s Guts Fellowship has been launched!

Residential Camp on Gender understanding in context of caste, religion, history

A 2-day residential training camp exclusively for young women was organized for them to have the freedom and own space to understand in depth about gender. All the participants belong to NT-DNT, Adivasi, Dalit and rural backgrounds. With these intersections, the training was bound to be very rich intellectually and emotionally. Sessions using experience sharing, … Continue reading Residential Camp on Gender understanding in context of caste, religion, history

Congratulations to NT-DNT, Adivasi, rural youth who have passed board exams!

Anubhuti extends heartfelt congratulations to all these youth living in tent communities, adivasi pada, in interior villages - who have passed 10th and 12th Board exams this year. What they have done is historical - many being NT-DNT and Adivasi, they live in tent/grass/mud houses. They are not only first generation learners, but with no … Continue reading Congratulations to NT-DNT, Adivasi, rural youth who have passed board exams!

Career Leadership Trainings started

Continuing the process of education support with youth of NT-DNT, adivasi, rural and migrant communities, Anubhuti is holding Career Leadership trainings with students who have recently passed or appeared for 10th and 12th Board exams. These are based on our unique Career Leadership module which helps students understand self, their own and community strengths, the … Continue reading Career Leadership Trainings started

Summer Camp with Adolescents

Anubhuti celebrated summer vacations through a week-long #summercamp in end of April with more than 130 adolescents of 6 NT-DNT, Adivasi, rural, tent communities - Kolegaon, Rahtoli, Circus Ground, Chon, Vitthalwadi, and Prakash Nagar in Kalyan, Dombivali, Vittlalwadi, Ambernath and Badlapur in Thane District. Through art and games-based workshops, these young children are meeting everyday … Continue reading Summer Camp with Adolescents

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti

Over 2 days and nights of 13th and 14th April, on occasion of Dr, Babasaheb Ambedkar's Jayanti, a group of over 60 youth - from NT-DNT, Adivasi, Dalit, Bahujan communities carried out campaigns with thousands of people at Jayanti Mandals and rallies across Kalyan, Ambernath and Badlapur in Thane District. This was through creative campaigns … Continue reading Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti