With a view to building the next generation of youth leaders, Anubhuti organized an overnight residential training camp with 11-14 years youth on 21-22 May. This was an organizational milestone - the first time that we succeeded in bringing Adivasi youth along with other Bahujan, Rural youth. 27 participants from 3 villages came - Rahtoli … Continue reading Leadership Training Camp
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti
It has been two years since Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Jayanti has been celebrated in the public. Dr. Ambedkar's work, writings, strategies, stands, processes are a source of constant guidance for Anubhuti. This year, since the lockdown has entirely opened up, we planned multiple creative campaigns so that maximum number of people could connect and … Continue reading Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti
Film about our “Mann Mela – Mental Justice Fair”
This is a glimpse of our Mann Mela - Mental Justice Fair! https://youtu.be/umPpMSmiFrM Launched in 2018, this is a module with 8 games - created for and by grassroot leaders.. Anubhuti's founder Deepa Pawar, with lived experiences as a woman, from a nomadic tribe, with multiple vulnerabilities, first conceptualized in 2016 such a highly accessible, … Continue reading Film about our “Mann Mela – Mental Justice Fair”
“#Leadership_Matters”: Mentoring Program with NT-DNT, Adivasi Young Women
"Young women like us need to come forward and lead, if we are to fight for our needs." - says Asha, a youth leader from a NT-DNT community. This is a first of its kind mentorship program with young women of marginalized communities on Gender with Mental Justice - led by pioneering women leaders from … Continue reading “#Leadership_Matters”: Mentoring Program with NT-DNT, Adivasi Young Women
Mann Mela with ITI College Young Women on International Women’s Day
Anubhuti had launched Mann Mela in 2018 - a unique games based, grassroot led, highly adaptable to diverse contexts module for mental health literacy & support. It has been carried out with over 500 youth and women in colleges, rural areas & adivasi villages since 4 years. The 'fair' currently has 8 stalls: Mukhavte (Emotion masks), Saap Sidhi (Snakes … Continue reading Mann Mela with ITI College Young Women on International Women’s Day
Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti Celebration
We are all indebted to Jyotiba Phule, among many reasons is his digging out the true history and birth anniversary date of Shivaji Maharaj - an egalitarian, inclusive, just, secular ruler & leader who pioneered many innovative practices. Phule brought more clearly to us this version of Shivaji; we thank his pioneering efforts and later … Continue reading Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti Celebration
Youth Led NT-DNT Toilet Audit
We have started 'NT-DNT Toilet Audit' with the objective of gathering data for advocacy about the dire situation of NT-DNT communities' sanitation. As per founder & NT-DNT activist Deepa Pawar's 2021 study on NT-DNT Women's Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, all public services are anyway not planned or built keeping in mind nomadic populations. The needs … Continue reading Youth Led NT-DNT Toilet Audit
Savitribai Phule Jayanti by Badlache Parv Kala Manch with NT-DNT communities
Yesterday, Anubhuti mentored Badlache Parv Kala Manch had the privilege to perform at the #NT_DNT tent settlement at Ambernath Circus Ground. They used progressive cultural forms like Laavni, Powada, Kirtan, Jatyavarchigaani, Shayari, Bharud, Abhang, Dohe, Ovi.. - legacies of Social Activists such as Tukoba, Vithabai, Bahinabai, Namdev, Chokhamela and countless others who gave great contributions … Continue reading Savitribai Phule Jayanti by Badlache Parv Kala Manch with NT-DNT communities
Another Youth Led Mann Mela
Anubhuti's unique Mann Mela module is dynamically developing every year since its launch in 2018. It provides mental health literacy, awareness and support from a social justice lens, in a language that is accessible, easily understood, and unburdened by stigma and jargon. Every year, another set of youth team is trained to conduct it, so … Continue reading Another Youth Led Mann Mela
Indian Women’s Liberation Day Celebrated by Youth Cultural Activists
Today, 25th December, is celebrated as Indian Women's Liberation Day. Because on this day in 1927, Dr. Ambedkar took a radical stand against the anti-women, anti-Bahujan lawbook Manusmriti - he burnt it - that many in India believed in then, and continue to follow today. Anubhuti mentored Badlache Parv Kala Manch formed by youth from … Continue reading Indian Women’s Liberation Day Celebrated by Youth Cultural Activists