Deepa Pawar, founder of Anubhuti Trust continued with a series of onilne talks, webinars and workshops – some organized by Anubhuti and various by other platforms.
On 20th January, an inter-college seminar on Safety at Workplace with college teachers was held in collaboration with DGMC, Malad. The POSH Act 2013 and intersections of Sexual Harassment, Caste, Mental Health were discussed from perspective of Mental Justice. It was encouraging to see their interest in making higher education spaces better and safe.
“Thank you for this session. I feel the true effect of this session will be realised when even the fear of sexual harassment is erased from minds of all..sometimes the fear is what causes more problem than the problem itself”
One of the participants
Talk on Caste and Mental Health
The Belongg Mental Health Collective invited Deepa Pawar for an Instagram ‘Ask Me Anything’ sesion on this subject. Inviting questions from the audience, Deepa spoke live:
Compassion Contagion covered many powerful stories of organizations and groups rallying around the matter of mental health. They especially covered our concept and work around Mental Justice. It is great to see this concept create and developed by us, being accepted widely by Mental health writers, practitioners, documentors, and funders. The article also found it important and concluded their piece with this concept:
They quoted founder Deepa Pawar: “Any group oppression begins with mentally oppressing members into feeling weak; this is sustained over decades and eventually normalizes discrimination and violence inflicted upon marginalized communities”.
Panelist on Regional Consultation on ‘Achieving SDGs in Maharashtra’
On 19th January, founder Deepa was invited as a panelist on Part 2: ‘Engendering Development: Deconstructing gender and the quest for gender equality’, of this regional consultation organized by Wada Na Todo Abhiyan, a campaign formed by over 4000 civil society organizations (CSOs).
The New Indian Woman interviewed Deepa Pawar
“What does it take to start from a place where one is most disadvantaged at multiple fronts, to run an organization that focuses on youth leadership and community development?”
Deepa was interviewed about the importance of youth interventions, challenges faced by youth including from privileged backgrounds, what does discrimination mean and how we may be perpetuating it. She also spoke about feminism, freedom and where we could start our journey to become a socially aware citizen as wel as encourage the youth around us in this direction. The podcast was published on March 3.
If you know Hindi –…/journey-to-social…
If not, narrative version –…/journey-to-social…”
On ‘WORLD NGO DAY‘ panel by Aidbees
Anubhuti was part of a panel organised by Aidbees on 27th February that is World NGO Day, consisting of NGOs from all over India, discussing the challenges and opporunities for NGOs in current times.
Pudhari News coverage of Right to Pee issue of NT-DNTs
On 28th February, NT-DNT women and girls of Ambernath Circus Ground spoke to reporter from Pudhari, on their dire problems due to no community toilets. They spoke about how their Rights to Sanitation, Privacy, DIgnity and Health are compromised, which is especially of concern in a pandemic:
Founder Deepa Pawar, also a Right To Pee activist highlighted the injustice of the matter. We have been working with this community since last year, supporting their fight for basic rights.
Interview on Feminist City podcast
Deepa was interviewed for one of the episodes of ‘The Feminist City’ podcasts; her episode primarily focused on challenges that young women & girls face in the city, particularly those belonging to nomadic and denotified tribes. The interviewer Sneha Visakha and Deepa discussed the ‘Right to Pee’ campaign, the way existing urban infrastructure and urban development that is not people-friendly contribute to deprivation, gender-based violence, systemic exclusion & injustice to vulnerable communities.

“This is one of the most important conversations I’ve had the privilege of being part of, do check it out and listen to the incredible Deepa Pawar talk about a range of issues that will change how you see and understand the city”
Sneha Visakha, the interviewer, on her experience
Listen to the podcast here:

On International Women’s Day that is 8th March, Deepa Pawar was invited by Sightsavers for an online workshop engaging OPD (organization of Persons with Disabilities) groups across MP, Chhattisgarh, UP, Rajasthan. She spoke in context of mental health & legal rights of women in context of disabilities.
Outlive! Webinar on Youth Suicides in Covid-19 Pandemic
On 10th March, Deepa was invited on a panel with speakers from CMHLP India, The Blue Dawn, Jan Sahas and SNEHA to talk about COVID19 and impact on youth suicides. Many pertinent points were raised by all the panelists on preventing youth suicides by addressing social and structural factors.