Today, 25th December, is celebrated as Indian Women’s Liberation Day. Because on this day in 1927, Dr. Ambedkar took a radical stand against the anti-women, anti-Bahujan lawbook Manusmriti – he burnt it – that many in India believed in then, and continue to follow today.

Anubhuti mentored Badlache Parv Kala Manch formed by youth from diverse Bahujan communities – including young women, NT-DNT, SC, ST and rural, are also committed to take this stand. It may be that the book itself is not widely followed, but its thoughts – violence against women, inequality between castes, discrimination against the ‘other’ are all rampant today too. This Cultural Group is creating and performing artwork to spread messages against such un-Constitutional practices.

In a recent residential camp, they learnt about old & new progressive art forms – from Laavni, Bharud, and Kirtan to Doodles, Comics, Memes, Reels, Rap..
Actually these art have today been appropriated by the privileged for monetary gains. But they had emerged from the ground as protest art – created spontaneously by organic artists based on their lived experiences of struggle, pain, & triumph!
Similarly, these youth, despite very little training and resources managed to creates beautiful art giving hard hitting social messages. These art forms are supposed to be that accessible and democratic.
Further, they have taken up the task of creating their own group’s Constitution – to make sure that they never go towards Manuvadi ideology and always take a strong stand against it!