Key issues we are addressing in our Jann Mann Samvad campaign include:
Civic Rights & Mental Health: Denial of rights, lack of access to justice, and exclusion from decision-making processes leave communities feeling powerless, leading to increased anxiety, depression, and distress.
Disaster & Mental Health: NT-DNT communities are particularly vulnerable to natural and man-made disasters, which not only disrupt livelihoods but also exacerbate mental health issues, especially when recovery is slow or non-existent.
Education & Mental Health: A lack of access to quality education is not just a barrier to opportunity—it is a mental health challenge. Children and youth from these communities often face prejudice and exclusion, impacting their self-worth and aspirations.
Gender & Mental Health: NT-DNT communities are usually rooted in matriarchal thought systems, where women held significant roles in leadership and decision-making. However, the forced imposition of patriarchal norms from mainstream society has severely affected their social structure. Women now face additional burdens, including economic inequality, social violence and the pressure to conform to restrictive gender roles. This shift has heightened mental health challenges for women, who struggle to reconcile their traditional values with these imposed norms.
Caste & Mental Health: The deep-seated discrimination based on caste reinforces social exclusion and marginalization. Constant prejudice, humiliation, and the struggle to break free from these systemic barriers heavily strain the mental well-being of NT-DNT people.
Environment & Mental Health: The environment plays a critical role in the mental health of NT-DNT communities, who are deeply connected to their natural surroundings. However, the impact of climate change, environmental degradation, and displacement due to development projects disrupts their traditional ways of life. This loss of connection to the land, coupled with environmental disasters, contributes to heightened mental distress and insecurity.