In the 75th year of the Indian Constitution, it is more important than ever to continue to engage with Constitutional values, practices, stands, actions, participation and leadership. At the grassroots, Democratic and Constitutional engagement has always been high and yet, other influences keep pushing in by manipulating economic and social vulnerabilities. Several organizations and groups across the country are taking this opportunity to discuss the Constitution of India and its relevance to Anubhuti – which is a small part of this wave.
Throughout the past weeks, through public talks, movement-songs, focus group discussions, cultural expressions, youth-led on ground campaigns have reached hundreds in Adivasi padas and Nomadic Denotified Tribe tent communities. The campaign shall go into the next month, bringing together aspects of ‘16 days of activism’ and Human Rights. With the public engagements including ‘Constitution And Women’s Rights’, ‘Constitution And HumanRights’, ‘Constitution And Minority Rights’ and so on.
There is a strong sense of positivity to see that the Indian Constitution stays alive on the ground, with people taking time out from their very busy lives of struggle, survival and aspirations to come together for our republic.
With friends like Saher and Sangharsh Apte, who joined us on a call sharing their expertise.