On occasion of Savitribai Phule Jayanti (Birth Anniversary) on 3rd January, we celebrated Savitri Utsav over the month, with over 150 women from different villages, Adivasi padas, NT-DNT tent communities – from Chon, Rahtoli & Mulgaon in Badlapur, Kolegaon in Dombivli, Circus Ground & Prakash Nagar in Ambernath, and Nehru Nagar in Vitthalwadi.

We discussed to our hearts’ content about Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Savitribai and their work, their struggles, ideologies, thoughts, and the movements they inspired. The fundamentals of the participating women’s experiences were connected to the work of these great leaders – helping them connect. It was obvious that the women have great love for this activist couple who have spread light since a long time in history with their objectives of progress. Each step taken by this couple could be expressed and discussed about beautifully with this group.

“Why haven’t we been taught about this history in school, at home?” many women asked. They determined to take some small initiative in their areas to pay homage to Savitribai throughout the month. Someone will distribute books that talk about the work of Savitribai, some will restart their own reading, while some will take a stand at home to reduce the restrictions on their daughters.

The strength we received right at the beginning of the year due to Savitri Jayanti will stay with us throughout 2023. The company of these women teach us a lot. They direct us to constantly work on ourselves. They oblige us to recognize whatever little or more privilege we have. These daughters of Savitri will love their mother forever.. They will take a lead to do justice to her ideology.