Yesterday, Anubhuti mentored Badlache Parv Kala Manch had the privilege to perform at the #NT_DNT tent settlement at Ambernath Circus Ground.

They used progressive cultural forms like Laavni, Powada, Kirtan, Jatyavarchigaani, Shayari, Bharud, Abhang, Dohe, Ovi.. – legacies of Social Activists such as Tukoba, Vithabai, Bahinabai, Namdev, Chokhamela and countless others who gave great contributions in developing these organic, emerged-from-the-ground arts and used them for enlightening of society.

Their grassroot movements, with little to no resources laid the foundations of today’s cultural activism. They and many more before them, were the foremothers and forefathers of #culturalmovements.

Significantly, nameless #NT_DNT artists majorly created these art forms, and have nurtured them over centuries – especially women.

#BadlacheParvKalaManch recently learnt about this in a residential training by Anubhuti, and we are further studying this great history. They paid tribute to these movements, and to the audience, by performances in front of #NT_DNT women & youth – traditional experts in the arts.