In the month of October, that is, Suicide Prevention Month, Anubhuti had several back to back workshops, trainings, meetings, sessions reaching diverse adolescents, youth, their parents, women and institutions.

On 12th September, we reached over 80 adolescents and youth living in the Nakul Patil Ashram Shala (residential school), along with their teachers, in Badlapur for a workshop on mental health.

These children who are majority from Adivasi, NT-DNT families grow up living a very different and difficult life – away from family, having to be responsible for their physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, economic, social needs from a young age. There are added layers of suffering, loneliness, distress when compared to children living at home, with even lesser support system. We have been working with Ashram Shalas from before, and as they now start to properly function again after COVID, we are reaching out to them again.