Our Anti-Discrimination Committee!

Anti-Discrimination is a lifelong legacy of #Savitribai #Phule from which we can only learn and try to follow in our small ways... her work for a violence-free and fearless society shall always remain the inspiration and guiding light for our efforts.  Feeling humbled and also very proud to announce the our 2025 #AntiDiscrimination Committee members! … Continue reading Our Anti-Discrimination Committee!

Presenting our Anti Discrimination Committee 2021!

Honored to announce our Anti Discrimination Committee members! All of them belong to marginalized communities and identities, and have lived experiences of discriminations due to social hierarchies. Do go through their profiles, we are truly privileged to have them. Many a times Bahujan representation remains tokenist. We strive to dismantle such practices, and are privileged … Continue reading Presenting our Anti Discrimination Committee 2021!

Anti Discrimination Committee Constituted by Policy of Anubhuti Trust

When Anubhuti was founded in early 2016, we took some time to work on our organisation's values. As the founder Deepa Pawar has always reiterated, Values are fundamental to ensuring how a group functions. They are guiding principles to how we approach a problem, how we make decisions, how we engage with the people we … Continue reading Anti Discrimination Committee Constituted by Policy of Anubhuti Trust