Postcard Campaign – #हक्कांचंकाय

A community-driven survey across 40 NT-DNT communities, with interviews of over 400 individuals, exposed an alarming truth: they are denied everything a citizen should have—clean water, electricity, toilets, housing, rehabilitation, education, and personal security. The absence of disaster management, streetlights, and sanitation only adds to their daily struggle for survival. It is a damning reflection … Continue reading Postcard Campaign – #हक्कांचंकाय

What About Our Rights? हक्कांचकाय? – Vimukt Din Thane District Conference

Intellectual leadership, knowledge, direction, debate, questioning, participation, and representation - are not limited to the so-called mainstream communities. Instead, they hold a very strong presence among communities who have historically been told that their knowledge is 'backward'. Namely the Nomadic and Denotified Tribes.  Strongly challenging this notion of what constitutes and is accepted as knowledge, … Continue reading What About Our Rights? हक्कांचकाय? – Vimukt Din Thane District Conference