Anubhuti is committed to reach the marginalized within marginalized, to reach the roots of our society as per our vision of justice, equity and democracy. Similarly, when we say that 'youth' - our primary participant group - are not only men but also women, we are committed to go further and say that youth are … Continue reading Mental Justice Residential Camp with Trans* Youth
Vaccination Drive with 1500 NT-DNT persons
A hugely successful Vaccination Drive for 1500 NT-DNT (Nomadic & Denotified Tribe) persons was organized in a community in Vitthalwadi, Kalyan, in Thane District, Maharashtra. Community leaders stated that this was the first such drive all over Maharashtra. We have huge appreciation for the community volunteers who managed this mammoth 3 day event, taking care … Continue reading Vaccination Drive with 1500 NT-DNT persons
Full day Mental Health Retreat with Women
35 young & middle aged women from 3 villages from Dombivali to Badlapur including from Adivasi, SC and NT-DNT communities, came together for a full day mental health retreat at a farmhouse. For almost all of them, this was the first time in many years that they had taken out time for a full day … Continue reading Full day Mental Health Retreat with Women
Progressive traditions to celebrate 15th August Independance Day
It is very important to introduce new traditions, that are more democratic, moving further towards Constitutional values, on days of national importance like 15th August, that is Indian Independence Day. This is exactly what youth leaders in Rahtoli, Badlapur and Kolegaon, Dombivali did successfully, by bringing various stakeholders and community members together for social causes, … Continue reading Progressive traditions to celebrate 15th August Independance Day
Community Counselling with focus on Women at Risk in COVID Pandemic
Anubhuti started community counselling with Nomadic & Denotified tribes (NT-DNT) and other Bahujan communities since the pandemic second wave started gaining ground in early April this year. While Anubhuti’s main work is not related to relief, we took up the challenge last year, when the communities we work with suffered extreme financial hardship. Then, our … Continue reading Community Counselling with focus on Women at Risk in COVID Pandemic
Online talks connecting issues faced by the NT-DNTs to #MentalJustice
The nomadic & denotified tribes (NT-DNTs) form a major pillar of our society - their contributions to labor force, arts, culture, technology are immense but unrecognized. It is our responsibility to stand with them. Anubhuti was the first organization to recognize the severe impact of COVID on these communities and worked with them throughout the … Continue reading Online talks connecting issues faced by the NT-DNTs to #MentalJustice
In conversation with founder Deepa Pawar about building ground leadership of NT-DNTs
The Nomadic and De-notified Tribes (NT-DNT) form a major pillar of our society - their contributions to labor force, arts, culture, technology are immense but unrecognized. It is our responsibility to stand with them during these difficult times. Today, tune in at 8pm IST to the Instagram handle @karmaatalks to hear our founder Deepa Pawar, … Continue reading In conversation with founder Deepa Pawar about building ground leadership of NT-DNTs
Inter-State Collaboration – Training with DPOs of Rajasthan
Founder Deepa Pawar was invited as a trainer for a two-day residential training on 23rd & 24th July 2019 on 'Strengthening Community Based Institution by Empowering Women with Disabilities with Special Focus on SDG, UNCRPD & RPWDA'. This was primarily on Gender and Rights including including Mental Health rights with 40 disability rights activists (themselves … Continue reading Inter-State Collaboration – Training with DPOs of Rajasthan
हमारे साथ काम करें
क्या आप युवा-युवती के नेतृत्व से सामाजिक बदलाव की प्रक्रिया का हिस्सा बनना चाहते हो? क्या आप खुद को ऐसे नेतृत्व में देखते हो जिसे समता, लोकशाही और न्याय का जज़्बा हो? हम विले पार्ले (पू.) और डोम्बिवली (पू.) में हमारे कार्यक्षेत्र में एक फुल टाइम 'कम्युनिटी ऑर्गनाइज़र' को नियुक्त करना चाहते हैं | यह … Continue reading हमारे साथ काम करें
Work With Us
Do you want to be part of social change led by young people? Do you see yourself as a youth leader passionate about equity, justice and democracy? We are hiring a full-time community organizer to work in our communities in Vile Parle (E), Mumbai and Dombivali (E), Thane District. The post requires assisting the Program … Continue reading Work With Us