Young women are a very important political group, as citizens in a Democratic Republic. Not always seen as so, but their experiences, opinions, thoughts, actions, initiatives are not only very important for the diverse populations they represent (of different castes, communities, sexualities, religions, mental and physical health, regions, languages, marital status and many other intersectionalities), … Continue reading “Gender, Mental Justice & Citizenship” Residential Training with Young Women of NT-DNT, Adivasi
Meeting with Vajra Mahila Bahu Uddeshiya Samajik Santha
It is always a pleasure, a strong and inspiring learning exchange, to meet with fellow activists from friend organisations. It is a way for organic sharing, reflections, feedback, exchanging challenges and good practices , and knowing that we are not alone in this journey .. This meeting with friends from Vajra Mahila Bahu Uddeshiya Samajik … Continue reading Meeting with Vajra Mahila Bahu Uddeshiya Samajik Santha
Meeting cum Workshop with men of NT-DNT communities
The still existing traces of an egalitarian culture can still very much be seen in male partners from NT-DNT communities. This was a workshop with mostly youth men from the Gondhali and Nathpanthi Davri Gosavi communities living in a tent community in Ambernath, on mental health, mental justice and connected matters facing them such as … Continue reading Meeting cum Workshop with men of NT-DNT communities
Discussion with Indian Law Society students’ study circle
We were invited to carry out an in-depth discussion with more than 45 students, in an online interaction organized by a Study Circle organized by students of ILS law college. As first generation learners, the concept of Mental Justice resonated with them, where they connected Mental Health with historical, social, political injustice faced by marginalized … Continue reading Discussion with Indian Law Society students’ study circle
Community Youth-Led Audit of ST Bus Depot Toilets
A research by Anubhuti is being led by 28 Fellows of the “Anubhuti Guts Fellowship 2023”, alongwith 7 Dalit and NT-DNT women activists. The fellows are youth selected from these communities. They have been trained in Anubhuti’s Community-Led model of research. We have used this model of truly Community-led research in many projects successfully, and … Continue reading Community Youth-Led Audit of ST Bus Depot Toilets
Youth-Led Lok Utsav in communities during festive season
In the last week of September, on occasion of anniversaries of our great progressive leaders Bhagat Singh and the establishment of Satyashodhak Samaj by Mahatma Jyotiba Phule , Fellows of our Guts Fellowship collaborated with youth and leaders across NT-DNT and Adivasi communities to carry out ideological , intellectual development and awareness through competitions based … Continue reading Youth-Led Lok Utsav in communities during festive season
ToI covered Community-Led Advocacy for Toilets The reality of the denial of Right to Sanitation in Nomadic and De-notified tent communities , and its impact on their mental health, dignity, safety, child rights, women's rights, disability rights and so on has been brought forth powerfully in this first of its kind community led research of accessibility of toilets by persons … Continue reading ToI covered Community-Led Advocacy for Toilets
Vimukta Din Cultural and Literary Festival
"These are not just clothes or fashion, but a strong political statement. When young people, children, adolescents, openly wear the clothes of nomadic tribes, proudly show off their occupations that are culturally rich, speak in their languages in front of an audience of hundreds who view them with respect and as worthy to learn from, … Continue reading Vimukta Din Cultural and Literary Festival
Body Literacy & SRHR with NT-DNT Women During Mental Health month in October
Mental Health especially in the context of NT-DNT, Adivasi and other marginalized communities is closely connected to their myriad of social, economic, political, historical struggles which are constant and never-ending. Anubhuti has been working with mental health and sexual reproductive health through the Sharir Sanvaad Abhiyan in these communities since we started working in 2016, … Continue reading Body Literacy & SRHR with NT-DNT Women During Mental Health month in October
Anubhuti’s Guts Fellowship has been launched!
With 100% NT-DNT Dalit Bahujan youth selected as fellows, this was only possible because we had a "No Criteria" selection process. NT leaders living in tent communities, Devdasi Murali women leaders, rural community members and youth peers who are associated with us through various in-community programs helped us reach these youth with very rich lived … Continue reading Anubhuti’s Guts Fellowship has been launched!