2021 COVID Response reaching Multiple Intersectionalities

The World Inequality report 2022 states that after the pandemic years, India's top 10% became the wealthiest ever, while the share of the bottom 50% is the lowest ever. This is a telling manifestation of how differently the last two years have impacted different populations. It is an indictment of prevailing economic and political systems … Continue reading 2021 COVID Response reaching Multiple Intersectionalities

Founder Deepa one of the winners of Martha Farrell Awards

Anubhuti's Founder Deepa Pawar has just been announced the winner in the 'Most Promising Individual' Category in the 5th Martha Farrell Award, held yesterday in New Delhi. The awards are given out in memory of Martha Farrell, a well-known feminist activist who lost her life in an attack while working in Afghanistan. Deepa was selected … Continue reading Founder Deepa one of the winners of Martha Farrell Awards

Presenting our Anti Discrimination Committee 2021!

Honored to announce our Anti Discrimination Committee members! All of them belong to marginalized communities and identities, and have lived experiences of discriminations due to social hierarchies. Do go through their profiles, we are truly privileged to have them. Many a times Bahujan representation remains tokenist. We strive to dismantle such practices, and are privileged … Continue reading Presenting our Anti Discrimination Committee 2021!

Vaccination Drive with 1500 NT-DNT persons

A hugely successful Vaccination Drive for 1500 NT-DNT (Nomadic & Denotified Tribe) persons was organized in a community in Vitthalwadi, Kalyan, in Thane District, Maharashtra. Community leaders stated that this was the first such drive all over Maharashtra. We have huge appreciation for the community volunteers who managed this mammoth 3 day event, taking care … Continue reading Vaccination Drive with 1500 NT-DNT persons

Youth celebrate NT-DNT Vimukta Diwas

August month is celebrated as month of NT-DNT Vimukta Din, to mark 31 August when these communities gained their independance from the offensive, vengeful and wicked criminalization forced upon them, first by colonial British rulers and continued by independant Indian administration. 1st August 2021 was a historic beginning for us, when NT and other marginalized … Continue reading Youth celebrate NT-DNT Vimukta Diwas

Online talks connecting issues faced by the NT-DNTs to #MentalJustice

The nomadic & denotified tribes (NT-DNTs) form a major pillar of our society - their contributions to labor force, arts, culture, technology are immense but unrecognized. It is our responsibility to stand with them. Anubhuti was the first organization to recognize the severe impact of COVID on these communities and worked with them throughout the … Continue reading Online talks connecting issues faced by the NT-DNTs to #MentalJustice