Fellows Training – How To Conduct Survey

The workshop focused on how to conduct a survey effectively, outlining its purpose, value, research ethics and rules. It emphasized the importance of adapting one's approach to the community being surveyed. The participants learned about the mindset they should adopt when interacting with people, including the use of respectful language, appropriate attire, and maintaining discipline. … Continue reading Fellows Training – How To Conduct Survey

Anubhuti Research Fellowship – “Finding Truth Behind Experiences”

Since beginning of October month on occasion of World Mental Health Day, and through November keeping in mind the occasion of Indian Constitution Day, we have launched our Anubhuti Youth Research Fellowship - Finding Truth Behind Experiences with 20 NT-DNT, Bahujan fellows across Thane District. Regular trainings have provided capacity-building on the importance of research, … Continue reading Anubhuti Research Fellowship – “Finding Truth Behind Experiences”

Mental Health Questionnaire

Interview schedule used during Action-Research with college youth on Mental Health Justice. This research was part of the Goalkeeper Youth Action Accelerator program in which founder Deepa Pawar is a 2019 advocate. The data collected from 1000 diverse youth will be used to advocate for institutional, administrative, policy-backed support to youth mental health. Page 1Page … Continue reading Mental Health Questionnaire

Mental Health Justice & Empowerment in Higher Education

"I was utterly alone, guilty, confused, angry, dejected.. when I could not continue into college even after standing second in my school in class 12. For want of a few thousand rupees. No one could understand my humiliation then - not friends, not teachers. My family was struggling for basic needs in which a college … Continue reading Mental Health Justice & Empowerment in Higher Education