Theater Workshop with Adolescents

Continuing with our workshops to build on the inherent body confidence, voice confidence, expressiveness and engagement with social issues - as seen in Bahujan youth and women, we had a full-day Theater Workshop with adolescents on November 5. There were more than 70 rural, Adivasi, NT-DNT, Bahujan children from Chon, Rahtoli, Circus Ground, and Kolegaon. … Continue reading Theater Workshop with Adolescents

Residential Camp on “Street Play” with trans youth

12th October is a poisonous day in the history of NT-DNT and trans and hijrah communities, because it was on this day that they were criminalized by the colonial Criminal Tribes Act in 1871. We condemn this Act and it's consequences that can still be seen in form of continued stigmatization, labelling, attacking and false … Continue reading Residential Camp on “Street Play” with trans youth