Our joint workshops in-office, where youth come together from different communities for intellectual deliberations, continue. Recently, young men from NTDNT, Adivasi, Rural backgrounds had the opportunity to learn about the rights of trans persons. We thank our friend Tamanna and her colleagues for sharing their knowledge - they are from the trans/Hijra community and run … Continue reading Gender Justice
Residential Camp on “Street Play” with trans youth
12th October is a poisonous day in the history of NT-DNT and trans and hijrah communities, because it was on this day that they were criminalized by the colonial Criminal Tribes Act in 1871. We condemn this Act and it's consequences that can still be seen in form of continued stigmatization, labelling, attacking and false … Continue reading Residential Camp on “Street Play” with trans youth
Mental Justice Residential Camp with Trans* Youth
Anubhuti is committed to reach the marginalized within marginalized, to reach the roots of our society as per our vision of justice, equity and democracy. Similarly, when we say that 'youth' - our primary participant group - are not only men but also women, we are committed to go further and say that youth are … Continue reading Mental Justice Residential Camp with Trans* Youth