Intellectual leadership, knowledge, direction, debate, questioning, participation, and representation - are not limited to the so-called mainstream communities. Instead, they hold a very strong presence among communities who have historically been told that their knowledge is 'backward'. Namely the Nomadic and Denotified Tribes. Strongly challenging this notion of what constitutes and is accepted as knowledge, … Continue reading What About Our Rights? हक्कांचकाय? – Vimukt Din Thane District Conference
Vimukta Din Cultural and Literary Festival
"These are not just clothes or fashion, but a strong political statement. When young people, children, adolescents, openly wear the clothes of nomadic tribes, proudly show off their occupations that are culturally rich, speak in their languages in front of an audience of hundreds who view them with respect and as worthy to learn from, … Continue reading Vimukta Din Cultural and Literary Festival
70th NT-DNT Vimukt Din Youth-Led District Level Conference
On occasion of the 70th Vimukt Din of NT-DNT communities, Anubhuti had organized a full day Thane District Level Conference on 28th August: "Youth Intersectional Lens for Social Justice of Vimukt communities". Actual Vimukt Din is celebrated by Nomadic & Denotified Tribes across India on 31st August, when in 1952, these communities were finally rid … Continue reading 70th NT-DNT Vimukt Din Youth-Led District Level Conference
Youth celebrate NT-DNT Vimukta Diwas
August month is celebrated as month of NT-DNT Vimukta Din, to mark 31 August when these communities gained their independance from the offensive, vengeful and wicked criminalization forced upon them, first by colonial British rulers and continued by independant Indian administration. 1st August 2021 was a historic beginning for us, when NT and other marginalized … Continue reading Youth celebrate NT-DNT Vimukta Diwas