Had the opportunity to hold important discussions on Caste in context of Mental Health with above 60 mental health practitioners who are working with a wide cross-section of society across India – as part of the The Fault in our Chai Training program organized by Mariwala Health Initiative.

Anubhuti Founder Deepa Pawar conducted this session on Understanding Casteism.
The participants engaged with discussions around day-to-day performance of caste, how we are implicit in the same, the insidious manners in which the dignity of Dalit, Adivasi, NT-DNT, Bahujan persons are hurt and harmed in every aspect. History of caste discrimination, its presence in every institution from education to politics to law to media, regressive ideologies like that of Manusmriti and its impact on mental health were also discussed in brief.
In response to a participant’s question on how we can maintain a balance between doing what is right towards the caste oppressed while not overdoing it with sympathy and pity, Deepa strongly put forth Constitutional framework as the guide to combat caste with Rights-based, dignity-based approach. She pointed to examples in the mainstream who are contributing to equitable and dignified narratives in popular culture such as Pa. Ranjith and Nagraj Manjule. She strongly asked to break our own biases about Dalit, Adivasi, Bahujans being victims and vulnerable – and to understand and accept that these communities are highly intellectual – creators and propagators of culture, art, science, technology, philosophy.. The discussion signed off with the need to give up performative anti-caste acts, and instead work on truly breaking caste thoughts and de-casteing.